Friday, September 12, 2008

The Catholic Vote

I've heard recently that the Catholic vote could make or break this election. If Catholics voted true to their faith, they would not be voting for Obama. Nothing comes before innocent human life. I'm speaking of the pre-born babies here. I'll get back to this later.

I also want to point something out that I keep hearing arguments on. I hear arguments for the innocent lives being lost in the war and that we need to end this war and that's what's important. I understand that there is a war going on and those soldier's lives are very important too - I'm not saying they are not. BUT, there is a difference between a soldier and a pre-born baby. Those soldiers have a choice. They chose to place their lives in harms way to protect their country. This is such an honorable thing to do. Praise God we have true American heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for this country and all it stands for. I'll be the first to thank them. But, that is not in the same league as a baby who has "0" choice in the matter of life or death. Unfortunately, these babies lives are sacrificed for their own parents' selfish reasons. Nothing they had a had a choice in.

Back to Catholics who need to be true to their faith. Morally, a Cathlic can not vote for someone who thinks that murdering an innocent baby is a choice. Are you kidding me? It is incredibly obsurd. Let me see... what was that commandment from God again? Oh yeah... it is number five (or number six for the Protestants), "you shall not kill". Mark my words, if we continue on this route, it will soon be a choice as to whether or not we should keep our aged parents alive due to "quality of life". It's coming. If we have no respect for the life of a little child, how can we have respect for the life of an old, very dependant human? It all boils down to sanctity of human life. The sanctity of human life is the root of all things. Once we have that respect, everything else will naturally fall into place. The domino effect. Voting for life is a Catholic's moral obligation. Peace be with you.

1 comment:

Sister Mary Martha said...

You leave something out of you explanation. Soldiers who choose to serve are in the minority of people who have died in this war...or any other. Ten of thousands have died. Let's not over look them.